[Java] The simulation program collage file

Sometimes our files too large but need to share to friends, it makes sharing data difficult. The best workaround is let's cut the file into smaller files and some then take it back when down on graft.

The following programs simulation Job cuts and file merge.
The interface consists of a splitter box to select a file to cut, a selection box where to save the file below is cut and cut to the file option or cut to size each small file. The complete file will cut ending * .item1, *item2,…

collage program files

The interface is similar to file graft cutting files. However swatch files you need to select the files beginning with * .item1.

collage program files

You can download source and jar files for reference or further development. Note by the program is not optimal, collage you should choose files under 10Mb capacity to test.

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